Spirit Stones literally means "spiritual stones".
The stone sculptures include 'spirit' also called soul and life, and this source-energy is everywhere present on the earth.
In the sculpting process I notice that this energy runs through my body to the stone, but it also comes from the stone itself. The sculpture, usually an angel that i'm making, will funny enough, determine itself what it eventually will look like.
If the sculpture is by request, then I connect with the energy of the person to make a very personal energetic sculpture.
I have notice now for a while, after making serveral personal sculptures, that they all have a message for the client. A message on soul-level. So this angel with personal message will be here to assist you on your life path.
I love to combine the sculptures with crystals that give an extra dimension to the sculpture due to their specific talents.
Most of these crystals i buy at Lichtpuntjekristallen.nl in Roosendaal, The Netherlands where they are specialized in crystals with a high vibration.
It is precisely these high vibrating crystals that will help humanity on our path to Ascension, and as a human being to be able to life in the here and now and as earth angels.
If you are interested in a sculpture from my website or if you would like a personal sculpture, please send me an email.
Then we will make an appointment, a phonecall or skype so I can get to know you
and make a very personal Guardian or Light Angel for you!
The intuitive spiritual sculptures I make are almost all have become an angel.
Larger guardian angels, some luminaries including sword and crystal but also smaller angels in serene attitude of prayer. Each image is different, even though I try to make them equal. It's like the angel who wants to be visible through the stone figure, decide how he or she should appear. ;-)
But most of them have a big heart at the location of their wings. Precisely to emphasize the Love!
Love for the person who is attracted by the angel. To recall the comprehensive energy we all stems off, the Source of Love. Source Energy !
And that is why I make these sculptures.
So angels can fly out over this beautiful Earth spreading Love and helping people to remember the Love from Source Energy again !